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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


Canada are you ready to be Enriched?

Started by Aryan, November 24, 2017, 11:31:13 AM

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Canada's Liberal government has announced its intention to admit around one million immigrants over the next few years, as reported on the CBC News website.

By the end of this year, net immigration into Canada will have reached 300,000, and the numbers will rise in each of the three subsequent years, with 340,000 wanted in 2020.

It was declared by the Canadian government as the country's "most ambitious immigration levels in recent history."">"> ... on-levels/">

Canada seems to be well on its way to become majority non-White. How do the Canadians on here feel about this?


Scouse, I thought we were friends. This just makes my day. I hate our treasonous government.

I'm out of Canada for good in April 2024. I can't wait.


A wise decision from the looks of things.  :laugh:

I don't know what goes through the head of white liberals to vote in parties who enforce suicidal policies like this.....


Parties of the left know immigration gets them votes.

(Most) Parties of the right are too afraid to stop the flow for being called racist. (or in the US case, their donors like cheap labor)

A little bit if immigration is a good thing, too much and you risk ripping a country apart along ethnic/racial lines.  That's what's happening in the US.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Parties of the left know immigration gets them votes.

(Most) Parties of the right are too afraid to stop the flow for being called racist. (or in the US case, their donors like cheap labor).

I was going to say, the Conservative party are sell outs like Justin's Liberals. The NDP are even more sell out than the Liberals and Conservatives if that's at all possible.


Under TRUDEAU Canada will soon be know as CANADISTAN .

The Rape of Females / Males and Sexual abuse of children will go thru the Roof !

Just like it has in Europe .

Read my SIG .


His father set the country back decades. Sonny Boy will do it forever.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Atleast the canadian lefties cant use the genepool enrichment/multiculturalism card since Canada has been multicultural since the beginning.


The liberals who champion diversity and less whites really haven't thought ahead. That goes for Jews too...... Do they really think that a country with a black and brown majority population will treat them with the same courtesy which whites have? Not a chance.  :laugh:


Quote from: "Odinson"Atleast the canadian lefties cant use the genepool enrichment/multiculturalism card since Canada has been multicultural since the beginning.

Official multicult started when Justin's old man was pm.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"The liberals who champion diversity and less whites really haven't thought ahead. That goes for Jews too...... Do they really think that a country with a black and brown majority population will treat them with the same courtesy which whites have? Not a chance.  :laugh:

Whenever theres civil unrest in the black/brown area, whites become the primary target for violence..

It doesnt matter if you are a red cross nurse helping them or a white slaver... They all get raped and then disembowled.

The charity and humanitariaism is awfully one-sided..

Whites cant seek asylum in some black/brown infested country..


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"The liberals who champion diversity and less whites really haven't thought ahead. That goes for Jews too...... Do they really think that a country with a black and brown majority population will treat them with the same courtesy which whites have? Not a chance.  :laugh:

Whenever theres civil unrest in the black/brown area, whites become the primary target for violence..

It doesnt matter if you are a red cross nurse helping them or a white slaver... They all get raped and then disembowled.

The charity and humanitariaism is awfully one-sided..

Whites cant seek asylum in some black/brown infested country..

Those countries will be empty soon. Trudeau will airlift tham all here at our expense.


There's no doubt the quality of Canadian culture and customs have decayed noticeably over the past few decades when the libs started letting all kind of 3rd world people into the country.  Places filled with new immigrants are nothing but poor uneducated areas now, just driving property prices down due to the lack of quality in the neighbourhood.  It's just wrong to see the current government excessively taxing hard working Canadians and selling out the country to immigrants.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Zetsu"There's no doubt the quality of Canadian culture and customs have decayed noticeably over the past few decades when the libs started letting all kind of 3rd world people into the country.  Places filled with new immigrants are nothing but poor uneducated areas now, just driving property prices down due to the lack of quality in the neighbourhood.  It's just wrong to see the current government excessively taxing hard working Canadians and selling out the country to immigrants.

The same is happening in europe.

Countries dont decay by themselves.

Its the people and their culture that ruin countries.

The lefties are blaming white men for the ruin of the 3rd world countries but the truth is that they were more advanced when they were ruled by white men.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"The liberals who champion diversity and less whites really haven't thought ahead. That goes for Jews too...... Do they really think that a country with a black and brown majority population will treat them with the same courtesy which whites have? Not a chance.  :laugh:

White lefties think they have immunity, but they often don't. I have seen several examples where the monsters they help create devour them too.  (one example"> ... kin-color/">   )

That's what will happen eventually, and that is the only good part of the whole process.